Getting Started with Medicare
Navigating the intricacies of the federal health insurance program, Medicare, and its enrollment process can appear daunting, particularly for those unfamiliar with its inner workings. This article can help you unravel the complexities of Medicare to ensure you steer clear of potential late enrollment penalties.
Eligibility for Medicare hinges on various factors, including age, social security disability insurance, specific railroad retirement board disability benefits, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Mastering these eligibility requirements is important for making well-informed decisions about Medicare coverage for yourself and the individuals you assist.
Allow us to guide you through the intricate web of Medicare’s enrollment process and empower you with the knowledge necessary to navigate its complexities. Together, we’ll uncover the essential rules, shed light on common misconceptions, and provide expert advice to ensure you remain informed and prepared.
Don’t let the intricate nature of Medicare enrollment catch you off guard. Join me on this educational journey as we delve into the ins and outs of Medicare, equipping you with the tools to make confident decisions about healthcare coverage. Prepare to unravel the mystery and unlock the potential of Medicare like never before.
Here are answers to some common questions about acquiring Medicare coverage:
When Can I First Sign Up for Medicare?
Since people turn 65 daily, Medicare offers everyone a seven-month enrollment window around their 65th birthday for all components – Part A, Part B, Part C (Medicare Advantage), and Part D (prescription drugs).
Medicare Enrollment: A Guide for Turning 65
The Initial Enrollment Period for everyone:
- Starts three months before the month you turn 65
- Ends three months after the month you turn 65
For example, if you turn 65 in September, you can enroll in Medicare from June to December.
If you’re about to turn 65, it’s time to consider your Medicare options. Medicare offers a seven-month enrollment window, known as the Initial Enrollment Period (IEP), for individuals turning 65. You can enroll in Part A, Part B, Part C (Medicare Advantage), and Part D (prescription drugs).
The IEP begins three months before you turn 65 and ends three months after that month. For example, if your 65th birthday falls in September, your IEP would be from June to December.
Here’s what you need to know about enrolling in Medicare components:
Steps to Get Started
To enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan (Part C), you must first be enrolled in Part A and Part B. It’s important not to wait until the last month of your IEP to apply if you want more than just Parts A and B coverage.
Automatic Enrollment
If you’re already receiving benefits from Social Security due to disability or retirement, you’ll be automatically enrolled in Part A and B when you become eligible. A few months before turning 65 or when you receive your 25th month of Social Security Disability or Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) benefits, you’ll receive an information packet. You can keep or decline Part B coverage, but declining Part A requires withdrawing your original Social Security application and repaying any received benefits.
Proactive Enrollment
If you’re not receiving Social Security benefits or are not eligible for Social Security retirement, you must proactively sign up for Medicare. You can do so by completing an application for Part A (Hospital Insurance) (CMS 18-F-5) or by contacting the Social Security Administration (SSA).
Puerto Rico and Foreign Countries
If you’re living in Puerto Rico or a foreign country and already have Part A, you must sign up for Part B separately by completing an Application for Enrollment in Part B (CMS-40B). This form is available in both English and Spanish.
Should I have enrolled in Medicare while I was still working?

Business people dressed in smart casual clothing working in the office, disability benefits
Good news: If you were working until recently at an employer with over 20 employees and received health coverage, you weren’t required to sign up for Medicare Part A (which covers hospitalization, skilled nursing, and some home health care) or Part B (which covers office visits, outpatient care, and medical supplies).
If you’re still working and covered by your employer’s health insurance plan when you turn 65, you can postpone applying for Medicare.
However, since Part A is free, many people sign up for it anyway when they first become eligible.
It’s a good idea to sign up for Part A even if you are still working and have employer-sponsored health insurance, as it can act as secondary insurance to pick up the tab for expenses that your employer-sponsored health insurance doesn’t cover.
What if I didn’t enroll and lost my employer-covered healthcare?
Workers over 65 who lose their employer-covered health coverage due to retirement, loss of work, or end of benefits receive an eight-month Special Enrollment Period to sign up for Medicare.
This period starts the month after your employment or health coverage ends. For example, if your benefits end in September, your enrollment period begins in October.
What if I missed my Enrollment Period(s)?
If you missed your enrollment period, you must wait until the next General Enrollment Period, which runs from January 1 to March 31st. You should also contact Medicare or a financial advisor or Medicare specialist as soon as possible. They can help guide you on what to do next, explain all the different aspects of Medicare, and understand how to obtain medical insurance.
As part of retirement planning, a financial advisor can help you understand when, where, and how to get started with Medicare and the different options for each part of Medicare. Some financial advisors may even elect to work with a trusted Medicare advisor who can help you navigate the Medicare landscape and can answer any questions about healthcare coverage you may have.